Yang’s Joule paper was highlighted by Physics World! Congrats!
Please see attached link for more details: https://physicsworld.com/a/liquefied-gas-electrolyte-improves-lithium-ion-anodes/
Please see attached link for more details: https://physicsworld.com/a/liquefied-gas-electrolyte-improves-lithium-ion-anodes/
Please see link for more details: http://jacobsschool.ucsd.edu/news/news_releases/release.sfe?id=2826
Please see link: https://twitter.com/UCSDJacobs/status/1133772623811190784
Nomination intro from BLAVATNIK NATIONAL AWARDS FOR YOUNG SCIENTISTS: Dr. Meng, a materials scientist and engineer, utilizes her pioneering research in creating novel techniques to measure, control and optimize energy…
Talk at MRS: Evidences of Structural Metastability and Reversibility for Voltage Decay in High-Capacity Li-Rich Layered Cathode Oxides, see link: Scientific highlights, MRS
Talk at MRS: Interfacial Engineering of Solid-State Interfaces to Enable All Solid State Batteries, see link: Scientific highlights, MRS
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More information see this link.